Step 1: Installing Arduino IDE(Integrated development Environment)
Step 2: Installing ESP32 add on in Arduino IDE
- In arduino IDE,go to File>Preferences (or) Press Ctrl+Comma
- In the “Additional Boards Manager URLs” field paste this below url:
- Press OK
Step 3: Installing ESP32 board
- In the IDE ,go to Tools>Boards>Board manager
- Type “esp32” in the search box
- Click esp32 by Espressif Systems” and Install the latest version(1.0.4)
Step 4: Selecting ESP32 Board
- In the IDE ,go to Tools>Boards>ESP32 Dev module
Port needs to be assigned once the board is connected
- For windows : “COM3” (or) “COM7”
- For linux: “/dev/ttyUSB0”
- For mac: “/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART”
If you get this error: “Port __ cannot be found”
- Install the USB to UART driver from this below link:
Once you disconnect and reconnect the board ,press “RESET” button for regaining the previously compiled and uploaded sketch
How to install Libraries:
- In the IDE ,go to Tools>Manage Libraries (or) Ctrl+Shift+I
- Search for a library and download it